Asia Pacific University Library catalogue


QR CODE LOCATION BASED ATTENDANCE MOBILE APPLICATION / JAVY DAS THARANEE. - Kuala Lumpur : Asia Pacific University, 2019. - 164 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm.

A project submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation for the degree of B. BSc (Hons) in Computer Science (UC3F1810CS).

Technology has advanced massively in the past decade and we are living in an era where technology is an important tool as well as a necessity to provide a better and more efficient lifestyle. However, despite all the technology available, attendance is still being taken the traditional way like writing down names on a paper, filing in an attendance sheet, or calling out names aloud while scrolling through a website. This simply describes the unreliability and inefficiency of the conventional method of recording attendance. While doing this project, many aspects were thoroughly researched concerning attendance and the relation between attendance and the grade at the end of the semester. To solve the attendance problem, a mobile application was developed on iOS using XCode which helps simplify the attendance taking procedure. The developer hopes that the application will be good enough to be implemented in the institution.

System design.
Mobile computing--Programming.
Application software--Development.
University attendance.
