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Proceedings of the Fourth ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Software Development Environments : Irvine, California, December 3-5, 1990 / edited by Richard N. Taylor.

by SIGFSOFT Software Engineering Symposium on Software Development Environments (4th : 1990 : Irvine, California) | Taylor, Richard N [Ed.].

Series: Software engineering notes ; v. 15, no. 6Material type: Article Article; Format: print Publication details: New York : Association for Computing Machinery, 1990Availability: Items available for reference: APU Library Not for loanCall number: REF QA76.758 .S54 1990 c.1 (1). :

Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Software Configuration Management, Princeton, New Jersey, October 24, 1989 / sponsored by ACM Sigsoft, IEEE CS, Gesellschaft fur Informatik.

by International Workshop on Software Configuration Management (2nd : 1989 : Princeton, N.J.) | ACM Sigsoft | IEEE Computing Society | Gesellschaft für Informatik.

Series: Software engineering notes ; v. 17, no. 7Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publication details: New York, N.Y. : ACM Press, c1989Availability: Items available for reference: APU Library Not for loanCall number: REF QA76.758 .I58 1989 c.1 (1). :